
Understanding the causal dynamics of a system is often essential to the development of meaningful evaluation criteria. Our approach to performance management and strategic planning has been applied and refined for more than a decade, and because the problems that we study are typically “unobservable” in nature, our method of defining and organizing indicators is a natural extension of our work on detection.

A Systems Approach to Performance-Based Management: The National Drug Control Strategy

SAI was one of the principal architects of the Performance Measures of Effectiveness system developed by the Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy. The initiative involved collaboration among more than fifty independent federal agencies and allowed us to develop our comprehensive approach to strategic planning.

Click to read Simeone R, Carnevale J and Millar A, "A Systems Approach to Performance-Based Management: The National Drug Control Strategy", Public Administration Review, 2005, 65:191-202.

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An Evaluation of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

United States Department of Homeland Security Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement: 2007 Annual Report